Physician Assistant

Melissa Amos

Melissa Amos-Johnston is a certified Physician Assistant at Beacon Orthopaedics, specializing in Interventional Spine and Pain Management. She completed her degree through a five year accelerated Masters program at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, where she graduated at the top of her class. Melissa has dedicated her professional career to managing and treating patients with chronic pain. Working alongside Dr B, she evaluates and helps formulate personalized treatment plans for all of our new patients as well as manages our existing chronic pain management clinic. As our patients will gladly attest, Melissa is one of the most caring, thoughtful, and knowledgeable providers around!

On a personal level, Melissa currently resides in Northern Kentucky with her husband Jake and her adorable goldendoodle Maci. Baby #1 should be arriving shortly in January! If you live in the area, you may likely see her playing Pickleball on the weekends. Be careful though, she is very competitive 🙂